Spatial audio research for virtual reality
Spatial audio research for virtual reality
Spatial audio research for virtual reality
Web of Life
Artis Micropia, Amsterdam
Together with Wes Broersen
In "Web of Life," you are invited to touch the living fungus and experience the physical reaction within.
This installation brings to light the usually hidden biological communication happening within the fungus, offering a tactile glimpse into the complex network of spores that we call the myecelium.
Touch, feel, learn
The tangible experience makes you instinctively aware of your connection to life and your role within a vast, fragile ecosystem that begins with the tiniest of organisms.
How does it work?
Every living organism produces its own electrostatic field.
The fungus is using small electrical signals to send messages to its family around the forest. Such as network can expand for kilometers in the wild. These signals are meant to warn for predators, or in our case, "feel" the presence of your hand.
The fungus is aware of your presence and can detect you, just Like our skin would "feel" it to be touched.
We are showing what's happening inside the fungus by measuring the live electrical activity in the fungus using electrodes, and from there, the internal electrical network is reconstructed. This gives us a more profound understanding of the vast complexity happening within the fungus.
What you see
What we see on the screen is a real-live representation of the communication network (myecelium) happening within the fungus, and the influence we have on this delicate ecosystem simply by touching it.
What you hear
We hear an artistic interpretation ​based on the signal coming from the fungus, slowed down into the audible spectrum. The sound of billions of connections activating.
What you feel
The deep connection between you and the fungus, a connection in the making since the beginning of life on earth.
Science and art - together.
To tell this story in a new way, we combined new-media art, science, and technology. In close collaboration with the research team at Artis Micropia, we strived to make complex knowledge about biology intuitive and easy to understand for everyone.
Presented on the impressive 8 meter high LED display which makes you feel small like a microbe.